So how was it this past week? Did you go to your feel-good place? Did you get yourself wellbeing with content freedom? Think of the words of Dagmar to your sentences and how Dagmar became quieter and quieter and what that has done with you. Oh how beautiful….
Welcome to the Emotional Connectivity Podcast from the Talent Management Academy.
Nobody takes me seriously. I’m always the last to go. The others always have it better than me. Nobody likes me and everybody lies to me.
Do you sometimes have sentences like that? Do you often hear such sentences from the same people?
What happens there is called generalization.
Words like never, always, everybody nobody…… etc. These are words that introduce a generalization.
What can you do? Well, as always, observe yourself and others and first determine whether it is me who is doing this or whether it is people in my environment.
Then you can start to ask, Really never, everyone…always, no one?
Has it never been different? Was it really always like that, without exception?
Be curious and excited what this does with you or with the other person.
The Talent Management Academy wishes you a lot of fun.