So, what is a resource and what are they good for?
Welcome to the Emotional Connectivity Podcast from the Talent Management Academy.
You have already learned a lot about yourselves and what you think.
You have observed and tried new things.
What did Dagmar say last week, a tip, don’t believe everything you think.
I now add to this thought, how about believing what you find useful?
How about, for example, a firm beliefe that tells you, I have everything I need already inside me.
Or in other words, I already have all the resources within me.
What does that mean? You want to change something or achieve a goal and you know very firmly within you that you have everything you need already inside of you.
You have a mind, you can learn, you are flexible, you can accept something or, or or.
It’s a bit like learning a language, you don’t know it perfectly yet, but you can say something and everything you can’t say yet, you say with the words you know and then you learn from others how to say it correctly.
Try this conviction and see what it does for you. Or find out where you have this conviction already have.
Everybody has all resources already in himself.
Have fun with it and see you next week.