Welcome to the Talent Management Academy’s Emotional Connectivity Podcast.
That’s the way the world is.
Certain things are the way they are, can you explain that? Hm, maybe.
Dagmar talked to you last week about the topic of faith moving mountains, and we’ll stick with the topic of conviction. Sustainable change only works at least with changing a belief.
The question is, if I have such a sentence like That’s the way the world is, I can’t change it, I can’t do anything about it? Is that really the case? Or just not.
What exactly is behind such a sentence? Often it is how we grew up. It’s something like. I’ve never experienced it any other way. So it can’t be any different.
Observe yourself! Look closely and listen carefully to what inner conviction might be behind it. Where it comes from. Parents, grandparents, friends, environment.
What exactly is it that has brought you to this conviction? Next step would be Which conviction could be more useful than This is the World? You might want to remember that there are always at least three possibilities.
Have fun observing this week.