Welcome to the Emotional Connectivity Podcast of Talent Management Academy!
“Gosh! Why are you so dumb to do this?”
In last week’s podcast Rolf gave you some reflections on the topic “That’s the way the world is“. Here we go and let’s tie up there today – I’d ask you to listen carefully. Listen to what?
To your inner voice because the thoughts you daily give to yourself are nothing else than self-talks.
Your internal comments really send bad vibes – and here at this point let’s run an experiment. Take the next chance to go in front of the mirror and say the following sentence loudly: “Gosh! Why are you so dumb to do this?“ What was your tonality for this phrase? Recall now situations of self-talks being far away from appreciating yourself. Would you really talk like this to your friend? It’s not what you say, but how you say it…
Of course, there is a story behind this inner voice. Children learn from their parents for example “hurry up, otherwise you will be late!” Later on adults talk then to themselves and especially experience the negative touch of this inner “driver”. But – self-talks are completely normal – do you know that approx. 60,000 thoughts per day are crossing through your mind in this way?
Your inner voice thus has a direct impact on your emotional balance. You can talk to yourself in a friendly and appreciating way and then you feel motivated. Or you blame yourself or expect too much from yourself as the following examples show: “I am too stupid” or “I might have known this” although you paint your room, prepare a 4-course menu, repair your bike for the first time.
Thus you have the choice – have a try next week and be nice to you by taking a compassionate perspective when you are in front of the mirror. This is the moment to transform the “Gosh! Why are you so dumb to do this?” into “I’ve really learned something new to make it better next time!” Give yourself a chance – because you are worth it!