We heard on the effect of generalizations through very clear examples by Rolf in the last podcast. It really doesn’t feel great to think about yourself or others in such an undifferentiated way. How good, if you then have someone who gets you out of the “nobody-loves-me” loop by asking questions and how helpful to perceive the difference. You can really do magic with language and – here we go –
Welcome to the Emotional Connectivity Podcast of Talent Management Academy!
Language is magic, how do I figure it out? Because there are such diverse patterns in language and it’s worth developing the skill of artful use. I remember very well when I myself was in my coach training how we laughed at beliefs formulated in language. Sometimes the laughter got stuck in our throats… because these formative sentences had been working in us for so long and often affected our lives. Until we became aware of it…
Let’s take an example of this. “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” Do you know this phrase? Not exactly conducive to learning motivation… How about believing “my brain learns fast” and “I’m just a little out of practice”? Say it out loud to yourself!
Another example I have experienced in connection with singing and musicality. There is a participant telling me “I can’t sing, I’m unmusical”. She experienced how she was reprimanded by the teacher in front of all the other children at an audition in elementary school, that she sang off-key and probably didn’t have the talent for singing. The consequence: She didn’t even try again. How could you – for example, when singing with children – provide encouragement, even if it doesn’t sound “perfect” to your ears right away?
And here is a third example. Try something out for yourself. For example, like this: “I have found a solution to my problem, but it may occur again.” Now say it like this, “I have found a solution to my problem, although it could occur again.” Notice what? Your attention is drawn in a completely different direction by the rephrasing, and that’s just because you changed one little word. Great, isn’t it ?!
Language creates reality and you shape this reality. For the next week I invite you to slip into the role of the magician and to consciously experience the magical effect of your words. Have fun with it!